Welcome to the final part of the Re:Treat - Replanning. Below you will find a short video introducing the area and some suggestions of activities, with the worksheets available to download below that. You'll also find a transcript and audio version if you prefer to read or listen rather than watch the video.
Hello. So welcome to the final part of our Re:Treat. I hope you've enjoyed it so far, I hope you've enjoyed the Reflecting and the Recharging. And today we come to put plans down, we start to think about the future. And as I'm sure will have happened, you may well have already started to do some of this because naturally when we start to reflect, and when we start to recharge, we start to plan. And that's a natural part of our brains as we start to have ideas and we start to put plans into place. And you may well have already done that. And so, today's focus is about consolidating those plans. And it's about taking what you've learned from the reflection, and what you've learned from the recharge. So the things where you connected with who you really are, and the things where you reflected on what's worthwhile, what have you learned from and then build those together into how are you going to take those forward in your plan for the future.
So today, in particular, possibly even more so than the other days, is a day where you can pick and choose which of the resources you want to use or not. There are so many planning tools out there, and there's no right or wrong way to plan. It's whatever works for you. If you go to any stationery store, you'll see from the paper planners, how many different ways there are of doing it, and Filofaxes, and all of that. Because some of us visualise things in different ways. Some of us like to plan over different timescales. So I've shared some ideas, and I've created some templates that might work for you. But with this one in particular, please feel free to just pick and choose the bits that work for you, make your own, whatever works.
Just a brief sort of overview of what's there for you today. So we've looked a little bit at your story, and if you chose to do your story or your timeline, then you may wish to start thinking about your future story, your future timeline. So there's a resource available on that. There's also a resource on visualising your future. And to some people that doesn't work for them at all, to some people, they love that stuff. So and if you want to go slightly outside your comfort zone, give it a go. Or if it's something that you love to do, give it a go. And that will get you thinking about a future point in your life. And what's going on for you then what is your home like? What are your relationships like? What is your work life like? What is the balance like? All of those things, so really thinking about that. And that will help with your planning, because sometimes you can visualise something, and then realise that you can make steps now to start to move towards that vision of the future that you desire and that you deserve. You know that lots of people have this kind of like, "Oh, I'll get to that in the future". If there's something that's really important to you, you can start putting plans in place now. So that's another one.
Then we've got some longer term and medium term and shorter term planning tools. So some that break it down. There's a five year plan, what you think about different parts of your life, and what you'd like to do a year from now, two years from now, 3, 4, 5. So you can see how that builds up. And there's also a tool that you can use to to map out the next 12 months, I find that really useful. That's one that I use a lot. And it's really useful to bring in the elements across all of your life. If you know that there's a certain month of the year, where your energy is in a certain part of your life - maybe you have family gatherings, maybe you have holidays, maybe you always have a very hectic work period, whatever that might be, plot all that out. And then look where the space look where it's logical that things lead on from each other. And try not to have more than two or three areas each month for you to be focusing on, because you know that's really our capacity.
Now the one thing that I really want to stress particularly at the moment, is this whole, how much can we achieve in a certain time. As human beings we are notoriously bad for this because we infrequently overestimate what we can do in a day. You know, I'm sat here doing this in an evening. And I had hoped to be doing it a lot earlier, because I had massively overestimated how much I could get done. However, we underestimate massively, how much can change in the long term. And that's just from taking those little baby steps. And if we make those baby steps consciously, then we can move to a life that we desire. If you think back just one year ago, five years ago, how much has changed in your life? It's incredible. So although it might feel like you're not necessarily making a lot of progress on a day to day basis, longer term you can make huge changes. And that's where it can be really helpful to think about, well, "What what is it that I desire in the future and how can I start taking those steps?". So just bear that in mind that we always overestimate what we can do in a day but we underestimate what we can do longer term. So bear that in mind when you're doing the planning.
And then there's another couple of resources as well, on the five pillars, I don't know if you've come across those five pillars for a harmonious life, which covers different parts of your life and helps you make sure that you are tuning into the different parts of you. And driving each of those forwards, if you wish to be, there may be some where you're really happy with what you do and it's just about keeping that going, maintaining that. So that might be that the mental stimulation that you do is through reading or watching documentaries or learning in some way, and you want to just keep that going. So it doesn't necessarily need to be new stuff. It just needs to be, for you to kind of check in on are you looking after the different parts of your life? And are there certain areas where you could do more to support you with that. There's one of those to look at, over the year, and then one of those to look out for on a month so at that point, you can be really quite specific with the actions.
So I hope you find that useful. Like I say, there are so many other tools out there, do what works for you. You maybe have had a planner in the past and you know that you have a layout that works maybe it's like a month drawn out that you want to jot in what's important each day. Maybe it's at the end of every week, you want to do things, just feel what feels right for you. Maybe do a little bit of research, see what options are out there. And whatever it is that feels right for you. Give that a go today and see what you come up with. So I look forward to speaking to you today and certainly sorting out what you're going to do for your re planning. And I'll speak to you soon.