
Make yourself at home.

TLC is a safe space; an online community designed to help you give yourself the time and space you deserve to live your life the way you want to. 

You can dip into the bits of the community that you find most useful, whether that's the group coaching calls, the focus and accountability calls, the reflection and planning days, the self-development guides and templates, the WhatsApp community, or the TLC Book Club. 

Joining a TLC call will give you all the benefits of a coaching session and a hug in one.

I know just how busy life can be, and I know how difficult it can sometimes seem to set aside time for just you. But trust me, it’ll be *so* worth it. 

You might already by struggling to fit in all the things you need to do, never mind have any spare time for something else.

But TLC is different.

You’ll leave each call feeling so much calmer and clearer about things. Just a small investment of time will help you get so much more back. As well as being able to get much more time for the things you love in the future, you’ll also gain clarity and the confidence to live a life that you truly deserve.

TLC calls are truly a gift - giving yourself time and space to just be, and giving you a boost to help you in the future. 

Our main goal is to be present and enjoy the time we have together, and to leave feeling calmer and energised with more clarity and confidence. 

The upcoming dates for the group coaching calls are:
  • Tuesday 10th September 2024 (10-11am)
  • Wednesday 18th September 2024 (1-2pm)
  • Thursday 26th September 2024 (6-7pm)
  • Wednesday 9th October 2024 (10-11am)
  • Friday 18th October 2024 (1-2pm)
  • Tuesday 29th October 2024 (6-7pm)
  • Friday 8th November 2024 (10-11am)
  • Thursday 14th November 2024 (1-2pm)
  • Wednesday 20th November (6-7pm)
  • Monday 2nd December 2024 (10-11am)
  • Wednesday 11th December 2024 (1-2pm)
  • Thursday 19th December 2024 (6-7pm)

I know just how busy life can be, and I know how difficult it can sometimes seem to set aside time for just you. But trust me, it’ll be *so* worth it. 

You might already by struggling to fit in all the things you need to do, never mind have any spare time for something else.

But TLC is different.

You’ll leave each call feeling so much calmer and clearer about things. Just a small investment of time will help you get so much more back. As well as being able to get much more time for the things you love in the future, you’ll also gain clarity and the confidence to live a life that you truly deserve.

TLC calls are truly a gift - giving yourself time and space to just be, and giving you a boost to help you in the future. 

Our main goal is to be present and enjoy the time we have together, and to leave feeling calmer and energised with more clarity and confidence. 

I like the approach taken in TLC to come away with small, achievable things you can do to improve your life. I wanted to be happier in the moment and I wanted to learn to minimise the impact of the things that are bringing negativity. TLC helps me with this.


Research Engagement Manager

What is TLC?

TLC is the TRUE Leaders Community, a group of like-minded and like-hearted people who come together to support each other. They all know they deserve an amazing life, and help each other identify the small changes they can make to help them enjoy life more. 

What is a TLC call?

A TLC call is a group call using a coaching style approach which brings together people to help them reflect, centre themselves, and work out how to make minor changes to make their life even better. 

After welcoming everyone to the call, we start with a short grounding practice. This might be something like a short breathing exercise or a mindfulness activity. Then we all check in with how we’re feeling and share if there’s anything on our minds that we’d like to discuss on the call. This could be celebrating a win and sharing how it’s helped us and how others might benefit from it too (e.g. maybe you managed to say no to something and by doing so gave yourself the opportunity to have some well-deserved me time!). Or it might be something that you’d like to discuss with others to help yourself manage situations better. We share in a non-judgemental and open-minded safe space, and we offer support and advice to each other. We end the call by each sharing one thing we are taking away with us as a result of the call that we will put into practice to help ourselves. 

Why should I come along to a TLC call?

Joining a TLC call will give you all the benefits of a coaching session and a virtual hug in one. You'll appreciate taking some time for yourself and you'll leave feeling more calm and confident, as well as taking some practical tips that you can put into practice straight away. 

Who else will be on the call?

Joining each call will be the TLC members, as well as other who are joining in a same position as you - wanting to give themselves a gift of time and space. The calls are in small groups so you can get to know each other and appreciate being in a safe space. 

Which call shall I attend?

Check your calendar and come along to the first one you can. They will all follow the same structure and ethos, so you can choose any, and I'd love you to benefit soon so you can start living an even better life.

How do I log in to the call?

The call will be hosted on Zoom so you can join from any mobile, tablet or desktop device as long as you have access to Zoom. You'll be sent details by email once you've joined the community. It's best to use a device with a camera and microphone so you can fully participate in the discussion. 

What do I need to prepare for the call?

Nothing at all! Just bring yourself and be ready to fully immerse yourself into giving you the time and space you deserve. 

And that's just one aspect of the TLC community. You also get access to:

  • Focus and accountability calls (held twice per month on Zoom, come along to help you focus on the things that you really want to make time for)
  • Reflection and planning days (held once per month, supported with downloadable templates and support on WhatsApp)
  • Self-development guides and templates
  • WhatsApp community
  • TLC Book Club (we're currently reading Michael Rosen's Book of Play: why play really matters and 101 ways to get more of it in your life) 

I often feel I'm quite time poor, and TLC is a gift to me. I really enjoy working with Jo and her style and approach. TLC gives myself time and a warm feeling that I'm doing something for myself which is a really positive thing to do. 

It's an opportunity to connect with people I wouldn't normally connect with but who share a values system. It helps me work out the areas in my life I'd like to give more time and energy to.

caroline lloyd

Director of Student and Academic Services