TRUE Leaders Community

Welcome to the Community Hub for the TRUE Leaders Community. Here you will find details of upcoming TRUE Leadership calls and links to self-discovery resources.

Monthly calls

Book Club

Currently reading – The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World (call to be held 29th October 19:00-19:30).

Why We Sleep: the new science of sleep and dreams
June 19th 2024 – Call recording and recording with transcript
June 20th 2024 – Call recording and recording with transcript

Michael Rosen’s Book of Play: why play really matters and 101 ways to get more of it in your life – Call recording and recording with transcript


Each of the below resources are downloadable, printable PDF files for you to complete to aid you with your self-discovery. These resources will continue to be added to – if you have any suggestions or requests, please contact me.

Wheel of Life

Your Future Self

Be Do Have

Your Ideal Day

Focus on things you can control

Daily Gratitude

Planning in uncertain times

Start Stop Continue

Learning zones

Reflection and planning templates

The reflection and planning templates can be used at any point to help you pause, reflect on what you have learnt recently and where you are at now, and help you plan your next steps. We have regularly reflection and planning days on the last working day of each month – check the TLC Facebook page to find the next date.

Download the full TRUE Insights Monthly Review:

Or download individual sheets:

Reflective learning cycle

Mapping your priorities

Monthly reflection

Monthly focus

Your priorities

Your year ahead

External resources

Year Compass (downloadable workbook for reflecting on the previous year and looking forward to the next year)

How to make a vision board and why? (Youtube video sharing some of the principles behind vision boards and tips for making one)

Love Languages – quizzes to help you understand more about yours (or others) love language, apology language, and appreciation language