Learning. Developing. Sharing. Coaching. Being.

I’ve always been incredibly curious about pretty much everything. A fantastic day for me is one where I’ve learnt something and shared my learning with others. I love intellectual learning, physical learning, and reflective learning. I always want to know how things work, how people work, and if there is a way to evolve. I love deep conversations and am driven by a desire to develop myself and help others develop too. As a coach, I challenge clients to define and refine their goals and encourage them to set ambitious and achievable actions. I empower them to make the impossible seem possible and am committed to supporting them as they grow. I also make sure we have fun along the way!

Join me on my journey to a wholesome, authentic, and courageous life.

Being honest with myself about how I feel

I had a wonderful email from a coaching client yesterday where she opened up about how she was truly feeling. It was incredible and it helped me take an honest look at myself. The last few days I’ve been really feeling the toll of another lockdown and it’s knocked me sideways.  Most of the time […]

Is your life in balance?

I’ve been pondering about balance recently. We often talk about work life balance but there are so many different parts of our lives that are important. Usually, when things don’t feel quite right, it’s because something is out of balance. Maybe we’re giving more time and energy to something that isn’t important to us or […]

New Year, TRUE You

And so we’re into 2021, just like that. It might not have been quite the start to the year you were expecting. Some of the things you were perhaps hoping to look forward to might not be possible at the moment. But we can still look forward to a time that they will, and in […]

The value of a safe space

Yes, that photo is Cookie cat. He’s well-known by most people who know me as he’s a very special cat – he’s diabetic, has a thyroid condition, is mostly blind, and is one of the most loving things ever to be part of our amazing world. The bed is one of his safe spaces 😊 […]

What’s giving you energy at the moment?

What’s keeping you going at the moment? What do you have in your life that’s exciting and you want to keep spending time doing? Recently I’ve been really enjoying putting the final touches to my TRUE Leaders Programme and it’s given me a boost of energy to keep my momentum going. I’ve hit hurdles but […]

Learning to trust the process

The last couple of weeks have been unusual (though there hasn’t been much of a “usual” for a few months now!). Recently though it’s seemed particularly unusual in that some days seem to have flown by in a blur and some seem to have dragged. I spent a few days away last week (the photo […]